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Musical Works

Through her studies at the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts at Arizona State University where she received her Bachelor of Music Theory and Composition, Kaylee developed a unique taste of genres and composing styles. Highly influenced by the romantic piano age of Chopin to the contrasting sound experimentation of Stockhausen's contemporary work, her own compositions range from classically technical, functional harmonies, to explorations of granular synthesis and intriguing ambient soundscapes.

Her works display her diverse range of compositional ability, and she is always striving to break through the boundaries of the expected to bring new, interesting, and meaningful music into the world.  All this allowing her to produce music unique to any individuals compositional needs.


Please enjoy below samples of Ms.Orem's works.

Solo Piano

Expressions in Waiting, Four Pieces for Piano

Lament for the Lost Souls, Yaweh Ra'ah Draw Them to YouKaylee Orem
Expressions_Album Cover.jpg


FlyingKaylee Orem
EchoesKaylee Orem
The DoormanKaylee Orem


Captura de pantalla 2020-06-24 a la(s) 1


Your MoveKaylee Orem
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